Dog Parks and Socialization

Dog Parks and Socialization

Story by Jeremy Brown, The Complete Canine In theory, the dog park can be a great place to bring our canine friends for many reasons, such as socialization and exercise. In fact, in larger cities it is the only time that some dogs get off the leash, chase a ball, and...
How to Train Our Fur Family to Get Along

How to Train Our Fur Family to Get Along

Story By Kari Cleland & Jeremy Brown, The Complete Canine How to integrate species into one home? Introducing new pets to the family can be a stressful time for every species involved, including the human. When rescuing a new family member or integrating...
Things to Consider When Rescuing a Pet

Things to Consider When Rescuing a Pet

Story by Jeremy Brown, The Complete Canine Rescuing a new pet can be one of your most rewarding experiences. Planning ahead and preparing for your new family member can dramatically relieve stress for the whole family, furry friends included. The less stressed...