Arizona’s Sampson, the Science Service Dog, Becomes Sampson the Hero Dog Winner
Story by Rebecca West You may have seen him in the news or on social media decked out in his lab gear. The images have melted hearts around the world. A sweet-faced golden retriever with a temperament to match, Sampson, the science service dog, became a trailblazer...

Zach Skow and the Pawsitive Change Project, “It Was The Dogs”
Story and Photos Provided by Candice Eaton At the end of a long day on Safari, participants sit down to watch the sunset and discuss the day. That is what Amy Cubillas, the Director of The Sanctuary Project envisioned when she planned the sunset fundraising event to...
Friends of Pima Animal Care Center Has Announced Its Plans To Open An Affordable Veterinary Clinic: Friends of PACC Community Pet Clinic
Story by the Team at Friends of PACC Accessing affordable veterinary care is a difficult reality for many Pima County families and their pets. While local veterinary providers are doing their best to provide space and contain costs, the need for care continues to...
Are You Unwittingly Contributing to Your Dogs’ Poor Dental Health?
Story by Rebecca West While February is National Pet Dental Health Month, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), “dental health should be a daily ritual for pet owners all year long.” That’s something your own veterinarian will wholeheartedly...
The Importance of Training
Story & Photos by Kim Eisele The Animal League of Green Valley The Animal League of Green Valley is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, no-kill cat and dog shelter. No-kill means that there is at least a 90% live release rate. TALGV’s current live release rate is 97.7%. TALGV...
The Sanctuary Project: One of Animal Rescue’s Greatest Gems
The Sanctuary Project (TSP) is a foster-based rescue consisting of dozens of dedicated volunteers. Viewing themselves as “a pack of like-minded individuals,” they staunchly believe that dogs are sentient, intelligent beings and not in the least disposable. To them,...